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communication cycle造句

"communication cycle"是什么意思  
  • After analysing the codes of tcp / ip protocol stack under rtlinux , a new protocol is added into the stack , in which the network nodes are divided into two parts : a master node and a number of controlled nodes . each controlled node can transmit its data by ethernet only when the master send it a request in a fixed timeslot of a communication cycle
    本文在对rtlinux平台的tcp / ip协议栈的原码进行研究分析后,在其原有的协议栈中加入了一种新的协议rcp ( real - timecontrolprotocol ) , rcp协议采用主/从模式,在固定的传输周期中使用分时槽的方式对数据传输进行限制。
  • It's difficult to see communication cycle in a sentence. 用communication cycle造句挺难的
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